Ensure the Sustainment of Learning

In this workshop we will explore key topics such as; methods that ensure that sustainment happens, considering sustainment during the needs assessment, getting client/partner buy-in for sustainment and designing effective sustainment activities. This workshop is geared towards mid-level Performance and Learning professionals, certification candidates, and heads of learning departments wishing to instill best practices among their teams.

Key Workshop Outcomes

  • Target your needs assessment to support learning sustainment

  • Describe approaches of securing buy-in for sustainment from your client/partner.

  • Apply sustainment principles in your design.

  • Enhance your toolkit of possible sustainment activities and approaches

Course curriculum

  • 1
    Supporting Transfer of Learning
    • Pre-Workshop Reflection
    • Supporting Transfer of Learning: Readiness Activity
    • Live Facilitated Workshop - Zoom Video Conference Access, August 20, 2020. 2 - 3:30 pm ET
    • Supporting Transfer of Learning: Additional Resources
    • Supporting Transfer of Learning: Assets and Approaches
    • Post-Workshop Questionnaire

Bonus Resources

Take your learning further with these enrichment resources

  • Recommended Resources

    Inside the workshop, access a downloadable document with references to recommended reading resources

  • Deep Discussions

    Along with access to the recorded workshop, you'll receive a transcript of the rich discussion that happened in the chat area

  • Virtual Community

    You'll be sent access to the private 'From Paper to Practice' virtual community, so you can engage in discussion and connect with your colleagues, outside of the workshops

Your Workshop Facilitator

  • Moe Poirier


    Moe Poirier

    As Founding Partner of Shift Facilitation, Moe is on a mission to have corporate trainers reinvent themselves as change agents and value creators in their organizations. For over 15 years, he has honed his craft as a facilitator and a designer of training. Moe has a gift for bringing learning to life and motivating others to strive for more. He is an engineer, an entrepreneur, and an educator. The engineer is purposeful.The entrepreneur is creative. The educator is open. When you meet Moe, you experience a quiet confidence, and a generous spirit. Focus Areas: facilitation, training delivery, train-the-trainer, training design. Other Areas of Expertise: presentations, communication, story-telling, leadership, coaching, problem-solving, and strategic planning.

Course bundles may be purchased online; individual courses may be purchased by calling the I4PL office.

From Paper to Practice was such a hit, the third session will begin in March 2020.

Go Deeper with your Learning

Sign up for the "From Paper to Practice" Bundle (all seven workshops) for an integrated learning experience

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